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James Felton named to board of National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education

James Felton was named to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education.

James Felton, vice president for inclusive excellence at TCNJ, has been named to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education.

NADOHE’s mission is to lead higher education toward inclusive excellence through institutional transformation, and serves as preeminent voice for diversity officers in higher education.

“NADOHE has been instrumental to my growth and success as a senior diversity officer for over a decade,” says Felton. “Now more than ever, colleges and universities need campus leaders who can strategically champion issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I feel extremely privileged to be able to advance this work at the institutional and national level.”

Felton, who joined the college in March 2020 as the inaugural holder of his position, was nominated to the board by TCNJ President Kathryn Foster.

“James is an eminent thought leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion,” says Foster. “He has spent over two decades addressing issues of inclusive excellence at two-year, four-year, and state-system institutions across the country. In his tenure at TCNJ, he has provided strong leadership on critical initiatives during a tumultuous time.”

Felton aspires to take on a variety of responsibilities in his new role as board member.

“Everyone is expected to roll up their sleeves and serve on various committees and initiatives sponsored by the organization,” he says. “In addition to serving as a member of the Task Force Meeting for Creating a Framework for Advancing Anti-Racism Strategy on Campus, I hope to serve as a mentor for the NADOHE CDO Fellows Program, and assist with the planning and coordination of the annual conference.”

Felton also recently co-authored a book titled Inclusive Directions: The Role of the Chief Diversity Officer in Community College Leadership which helps those interested in learning more about diversity and inclusion at community colleges gain insight into strategic diversity leadership.

For more information on NADOHE please visit

— Luke Sacks